Thursday, December 26, 2013


So Jay, Wyatt, Judy and I finished up Wyatt's new room and reorganized and cleaned Muffin's new room. She still hasn't arrived, but is only a few days late, so now that I am thoroughly exhausted, and her room is complete, she should make her appearance very soon. Here are the finished rooms!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Wyatt's new room

Not quite completed, but almost there. Jay has been working quite hard to get the messy and noisy stuff done before Miss Muffin's impending arrival. As I am currently too lazy to go upstairs and get a new photo of the work he has completed today, suffice it to say, he is almost done with the trim. All that remains is some back band and then closet shelving. Here are some photos from start to this past weekend.
wallpaper- wouldn't come off, weird patch jobs. walls must come down. not up to cole standards.

Papa Cole assisted for 3 days to tear the walls down and rewire and insulate.

nice new pink insulation.

Jay was so fast that I couldn't get a picture of the finished sheetrock before he started priming it. (we actually found someone up to Cole Standards and paid him to do the sheetrock)

Beginning the hardwood floor.

more hardwood flooring.

finished hardwood floor. Mark and Charles assisted. 

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Jay's Big Day

Because I don't blog about his projects are photos of poor Jay Cole working his butt off on Wyatt's new room. With only 6 weeks left until Muffin's arrival, I am not much help. I did help rewire an outlet and a switch, but putting up fiberglass insulation and stapling up plastic, not really a good idea. Plus, Wyatt gave me his cold. So anyways, enough of my whining (Whiney Wyatt often rubs off on me), here are some photos of how far Jay has come today. Sheetrock dust- here we come!

Muffin (or Rose's) Dresser

I was given my grandfather's old dresser for Muffin. (If Rosemary, Wyatt AND Cheyanne get their way, Muffin will become Rose...but not so sure- three independent ideas on the name sure is a bit convincing!)

Anyways, the dresser was a perfectly good white color, but it seemed that a little girl would need a bit of color. I love purple and have been extremely unsuccessful in getting a purple room or purple ANYTHING in this house, so Muffin got a purple dresser. After a search on Pinterest by both my friend Jordan and me, I settled on an increasing purple intensity motif. I was going to get different drawer pulls, but that turned out to be more of a hassle than anything else.  Here are the before and after shots. (It really is not a weird trapezoidal shape like the camera is showing....just couldn't get far enough away to get the angle right).

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Wyatt's New Room

So with a little under 7 weeks to go, Jay and Jerry have started demolition on Wyatt's new bedroom. Honestly, this time around, not feeling the urgency to have a room set aside for Muffin, so we are just fine. No stress. ;)
So here are a few photos. I will assume you can tell the before and after.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

New Downstairs Bathroom

Due to the government furlough, Jay has finished the downstairs bathroom. Here are some photos, but keep in mind the color isn't exactly what you see. It is Benjamin Moore Georgian Brick. Jay would like your opinions on my purple wash cloths. I happen to think they go fine, he thinks I am crazy. I just want purple SOMEWHERE in my house. Is a wash cloth too much to ask????  ;)
purple washcloth

Superman and new counter top and medicine cabinet.

close up of sink- new faucet too.

new mouldings too.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Red Rum...wait no Red ROOM

Here is the finished front wall! (and a cheeky monkey....and believe me, this is the more appropriate photo).

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Here we go Again!

Jay is in the process of redecorating our downstairs bathroom. I don't know who the people were who worked on the house before us, but they were not Coles! Instead of fixing the holes that the previous wall mounted things in the bathroom caused, they just GLUED on mirrors. And then, instead of actually fixing the holes in the plaster in what is going to be Wyatt's new bedroom, they mudded over them and then WALLPAPERED! I took the wallpaper off, and insulation started falling out of the wall! Anyways, enjoy the photos of our soon to be new downstairs bathroom.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


So today was so hot that I decided to take my honeycomb out of the freezer this morning and crush it this afternoon to extract the honey out. I got almost a pound, which won't last long, but it is something and it is beautiful.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Walls and Tables

Jay has been working on the front walls of the living room. He is now mudding the walls (and swearing profusely) and the window has been completed and repainted and put back together.
Michael refinished the teak table top last weekend. Here are the photos so far.