Welcome to my new blog, the Busy Cees. We are quite industrious and most people think we are nuts, so I might as well blog about what we do. So to get us off right, we shall start with our latest project, and the inspiration for the name of our new blog.
Jay and I have been building a Top Bar Beehive for my new hobby. The bees have been ordered, a Carniolan bee queen to the the genetic stock off to a mild and hearty start, hopefully the stand has been built, and paint has been applied. Here are photos, but not of the final paint job. I will post that when it is all together.
Front view of our Top Bar Hive |
Side view of top bar beehive. Still need to drill holes for entrances. |
The finished stand for the bee hive. |
Another view of the pressure treated stand. It even folds up for easy storage. |
I put the last coat of paint on the beehive today and now just have to get a latch for the viewing window, remove the plastic film on the plexiglass, and apply beeswax to the starter bars on the top bars.
Can't wait to follow along and see the progress!