Monday, September 24, 2012

Better photos and back to Blogging

sorry for the delay....rosemary. Jay has had me so busy that I didn't even have time to charge the camera battery so I could take adequate photos. And they are merely adequate. I really need a new camera. We can see the light at the end of the tunnel. As I type, Jay is installing outlet covers in the dining room...and swearing mildly. 

ugly dining room with wall paper...stripped window though. sorry no pre-paint stripping photos.....

view from dining room to living room. beige beige beige. yuck yuck yuck

post wall paper removal....

nice new palladian or palladino (can't remember) blue!

top of stairs. ignore laundry basket.

check out new window nicely painted and beautifully trimmed

ah, the dining room.

the sundance yellow entry nook. will have a door in this space.....

look! real oak trim! stained early american by yours truly.

another view of dining room into kitchen and living room

Sunday, September 16, 2012


So we had a busy weekend.....The photos are not that great, but you might get the idea.Unfortunately, you really can't see what color the blue/green really is. It's called Palladian Blue. The yellow is brighter than we expected, but I love it. Jay built the shelf this afternoon too. It will be the same as the floors when the floors get refinished.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Holy Crap! We have paint on the walls!

It's really just primer, but we are sssoooooooooo close!!!!

Jay priming walls....



