Saturday, March 31, 2012

Walls and Ceilings!

final piece of sheetrock

beginning a messy part

tape lines left in the mud after ripping down the peeling tape from the ceiling

new screws to hold up the old sheetrock

we hope this works.

putting in new screws
Last night, Friday night, while Joanna and I drank 2 bottles of wine and watched, Jay finished sheet-rocking the dining room. Today, Saturday, we rented a giant sander from Home Depot and proceeded to make a mess. Apparently, the previous "mudders", felt that they needed to do everything incorrectly and didn't even screw the sheetrock ceilings into the old plaster and lathe. Therefore, they were coming down along the edges of the rooms. Enjoy the photos and be thankful you aren't like us. :) We hope this works. After renting the sander and screwing in the sheetrock, we sorta thought maybe we should have just gutted the ceilings too.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

I only wanted to remove some wall paper....

So today I was supposed to remove any of the remaining wallpaper that was stuck on the walls and wouldn't come off. Wouldn't you know it, my husband had some "better" ideas. 

The walls before.....

The cut made in the plaster.....

The walls have come down.

This is sad. I spent a lot of time taking off wallpaper....

"we might as well as rewire the light too." 

Even the dog is confused.

Those heating ducts would have been easier to fix if we had just done this first.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

The Walls are Coming Down!

So if you ever want to replace the heating ducts in your wall, be prepared to remove said wall.
Deliberating about taking down part of the wall. Note our helper's enthusiasm. He already had the screwdriver.

Trying to attach the new heating duct to the old without taking down the wall. Yeah, right.

Oh boy. Our plaster wall came down. How much more work is this project going to entail???

New duct with old duct. Phew. We're not going to discuss the other  one.  (we probably have to redo it).
It sucked. But it was even worse trying to get the new heating duct attached to the old heating duct when you couldn't see the back side of the heating duct. Here are some photos, complete with our favorite helper.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

This Weekend's Project

This weekend, Jerry and Justin came to help Jay rebuild a wall. Here are photos. Jay had to take the old one down and take out the floor, but Justin and Jerry rebuilt the floor so we could tile it eventually and add new heat ducts.